Springwolf example project - Kafka v1.0.0
Springwolf example project to demonstrate springwolfs abilities, including markdown support for descriptions.
Springwolf example project to demonstrate springwolfs abilities, including markdown support for descriptions.
Host | kafka:29092 |
Spring Type Id Header
Foo field
Requires a running kafka-schema-registry. See docker-compose.yml to start it
Spring Type Id Header
Some enum field
Some long field
Spring Type Id Header
Foo field
Spring Type Id Header
Some enum field
Some long field
Spring Type Id Header
Override description in the AsyncListener annotation with servers at kafka:29092
Spring Type Id Header
Spring Type Id Header
Final classes (like String) can be documented using an envelope class and the @AsyncApiPayload annotation.
Final classes (like String) can be documented using an envelope class and the @AsyncApiPayload annotation.
Payload description using @Schema annotation and @AsyncApiPayload within envelope class
Custom, optional description defined in the AsyncPublisher annotation
Spring Type Id Header
CloudEvent Id Header
CloudEvent Source Header
CloudEvent Spec Version Header
CloudEvent Subject Header
CloudEvent Time Header
CloudEvent Payload Type Header
CloudEvent Content-Type Header
Auto-generated description
Showcases a xml based message
Auto-generated description
Showcases a yaml based message
Another payload model
Foo field
Example payload model demonstrating markdown text styling: bold, cursive and underlined
Some enum field
Some long field
There can be headers, but they are not explicitly documented.
Payload model with nested complex types
Spring TypeId and CloudEvent Headers
Spring Type Id Header
CloudEvent Id Header
CloudEvent Source Header
CloudEvent Spec Version Header
CloudEvent Subject Header
CloudEvent Time Header
CloudEvent Payload Type Header
CloudEvent Content-Type Header
Spring Type Id Header
Spring Type Id Header
Spring Type Id Header
Spring Type Id Header
Spring Type Id Header
Spring Type Id Header
Spring Type Id Header
Spring Type Id Header
Spring Type Id Header
Spring Type Id Header
Spring Type Id Header
Payload description using @Schema annotation and @AsyncApiPayload within envelope class
Payload description using @Schema annotation and @AsyncApiPayload within envelope class
Demonstrates the use of discriminator for polymorphic deserialization (not publishable)
Electric vehicle implementation of VehicleBase
Gasoline vehicle implementation of VehicleBase